What Does Your Favorite Day Look Like?

Hello friends I have so been enjoying the cooler weather. The leaves have turned a little.  This year we just didn’t have the beautiful fall foliage that East Tennessee can be known for.  A lack of rain and the heat made the leaves dry and brittle and lots of them fell off of the trees before they even started turning colors. This past week it has been cooler and lots of fog in the mornings on my way into work.  I love taking pictures in the fog it gives everything an eerie but soft look.

I got all of these pictures this past week on my way into work.  I have been traveling so much lately it actually seems like a pleasure to do something familiar even if it is going to work.  People probably think, who is that crazy lady pulling over to take pictures?

When I have to be gone a lot I start thinking about what my favorite day would look like.  A day when I could do whatever I wanted to do all day long.  I guess sometimes when I am gone from home thinking about what I will do when I have that down time is what gets me through.  So here goes with some of the things I would do.  Yes they are all about me and that might seem a bit selfish but these are things that I would love to do.  Sometimes I think you have to be selfish with the time you spend for you.

  1. I would spend time with my loved ones.  Thinking about a day when I could spend time talking and sharing and just reconnecting with loved ones sounds like heaven.
  2. I would create.  I would knit, or paint or make something special.  Sometimes when I am stressed and needing to get out of my head I will bake or sew or knit and that puts me totally into the moment.
  3. I would read.  I love books and reading.  I love to lose myself in the character. It almost feels like I am right there with them.
  4. I would take pictures.  I would drive around and go from place to place pulling over when I see something that catches my eye.  Much the same way that I did with the photos on my way to work.  But I would have a lot of time and wouldn’t be in a hurry.
  5. I would go somewhere new.  I love visiting new places that I have never seen, and experiencing new things. This is so exciting to me.

These are just a few of the things I would do if I had a day to do whatever I wanted.  So now tell me what does your favorite day look like? And when will this day happen?

Remember no matter what
Love your day your way


3 thoughts on “What Does Your Favorite Day Look Like?

  1. I love site seeing. Finding new of the beaten path places to go. Eat in a new hole in a wall. Stop at random spots to shop antiqes. Friends, Family and laughs..


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