A Few Days In Louisville Kentucky

Hello and happy Monday. Last Sunday I had to take a trip to Louisville Kentucky for a work meeting. I was meeting with the tourism group that my work is a part of. I will have a much more detailed post on each of the attractions that we visited. I had such a fun time.

As you may know. The Kentucky Derby was held on Saturday May 4th just four miles from the hotel we were staying in. We were going into the city on Sunday so most of the action had already calmed down before we got into town. I was traveling alone and I left out Sunday afternoon. It was about a five hour drive for me. Of course I put off packing until the last minute. I think if I felt better about how I look in my clothes it would be easier to prepare and know what to pack, but that is a story for another time.

I left out about 2:00 PM on Sunday and drove the entire drive with just a couple of quick stops. When I arrived the hotel was still decorated with hundreds of flowers from the Derby celebration.

We stayed downtown at The Embassy Suites on Fourth Street. It was so nice and the staff really had it going on in The hospitality department. Everyone at the hotel was so nice and helpful. Even though they had just dealt with hundreds of people staying at the hotel for the Derby. Our hotel was within walking distance of Museum Row, and the Muhammad Ali Center. And we were just four miles from Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby.

I had stopped for a quick bite on my way in so once I got to the hotel I just settled into my room. It was very nice. It was actually a suite.

So much space.
The shower was amazing

And you know me. I brought a good book and some knitting. My meeting the following day didn’t start until noon so I slept in. Such decadence!!!! Only a meeting and dinner was scheduled for Monday.

Along with the meetings I knew a lot of fun had been planned as well. When we do these meetings we usually get to meet with several of their lead tourism people. On Tuesday we got a behind the scenes tour of Churchill Downs, Toured the Derby Museum, visited a Loom House and was able to do a little weaving, we had a bourbon tasting at the Frazier History Museum, and finished the day off at The Louisville Slugger Museum. What a fun and tiring day.

Churchill Downs. It was hard to believe that only 48 hours earlier this track was full of the sound of thundering hooves.
The Derby Museum
The Little Loom House. One of my favorite stops.
The Louisville Slugger Museum.

I can’t begin to tell you in one post about each of these wonderful places. I will put them in separate posts so that you can experience each place.

After a short meeting on Wednesday morning I started my long drive home. Unfortunately it rained most of the way home and took me even longer to get there.

I was so happy to get home even though I did have to go right back to work the next morning. I think the inside kitties missed me a lot. They both insisted on sleeping on the bed with me.

That is what I have been up to. Add in Playing catch up at work and it has made for a very busy week. I have missed all of you and I am happy to be back.

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!

4 thoughts on “A Few Days In Louisville Kentucky

      1. Oh yes, the Derby is very expensive. Our daughter and son-in-law went one year but could only afford general admission infield tickets and it’s super crowded. One time was enough for them. We attended races there after the Derby and seats weren’t very expensive at all.


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