Hello To May And Several New Orchids

Hello friends, I have been somewhat absent on my blog and behind on my blog reading. Work has been absolutely crazy. I work in tourism and we are gearing up for a busy summer.

April was a great and busy month. I did spend a lot of the month limping around with my knee. It really makes you appreciate walking with ease. my knee seems to be all better now. I wore a brace for a couple of weeks and it helped stabilize my knee and allowed it to heal or whatever it needed.

My Birthday and Anniversary were both in April so that was a lot of fun. Lots of things are blooming in my yard and everywhere, and the weather has been great. It has actually been hot!!! It almost feels like it has gone from winter straight into summer. But I know we still have one more little winter to go through. Blackberry Winter is usually around Mother’s Day. This is when the blackberries bloom out not when they are ripe to eat.

I have so many plants that need to be put into the ground. I didn’t want to use the shovel and dig while my knee was healing. I think it will be fine now.

I had to say goodbye to my two orchids that were doing so poorly, Zsa Zsa and Eva. They were very special to me. When my sister Pat died my work friends sent this huge orchid for the funeral. I named it Zsa Zsa because of a little thing my sister and I had going before she passed away. I was brushing her hair for her when she was in the hospital and I told her she looked beautiful like Zsa Zsa Gabor. She started calling me Eva, Zsa Zsa’s sister. So from then on whenever we would share a text or a phone call we would always end it with Zsa Zsa or Eva.

When I got the orchid I named it Zsa Zsa. After about a year and a half I noticed the orchid doing very badly. I decided to separate it because it appeared to be two orchids. I repotted both and promptly named the other orchid Eva.

I didn’t have a lot of hope for them. The roots were terrible. Almost no roots left at all. So, sadly they did not make it. I finally had to let them go.

On my Birthday my niece brought me three orchids she “rescued”. A friend of hers moved into a new office building. Previously the building had been a plant nursery. When they cleared the building they left several plants behind. Most of them were struggling and looked like they might not make it. my niece brought three of the orchids to me. I repotted two of them because they were in the tiniest containers I had ever seen.

These orchids are not really in that bad of shape. The bigger one I named Simon. Even though they look a little rough they have a great root system.

I haven’t named these two yet.

And now to add to the mix I have this beautiful little miniature orchid. My friend Lorie gave it to me for my Birthday. We had lunch today and she brought it to me. I’ve never had a mini orchid before. I love it!!!

So four new orchids added to the orchid family. I still have to name the other three. Any ideas?

I am looking forward to May even though it will be a busy month. I want to catch up on some outside work and get some more reading in. What are your plans for May?

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!


Hello Monday

Hello and happy Monday. I have been struggling the past three weeks with a bad knee. I think I pulled something a few weeks ago when we were moving things out of my mother in law’s apartment at the Assisted Living Village.

Knee injuries are nothing new to me. I have had them on my right knee a couple of different times throughout the years. I hobbled around for a week or so. I decided to give myself two weeks and if it wasn’t better I would see an Orthapedic Doctor. It is better. I have been wearing a knee brace and it is much much better. Thank goodness.

The weather here has been really nice and we have had a lot of things blooming. We are currently experiencing a cold snap which I think may be whip-poor-will winter. Or maybe Locust Winter. I have been hearing the whip-poor-will calling in the woods at night and early morning.

I spent some time last weekend out on my deck. The weather was so nice. I read a lot of my book. I’ve trying to stay off of my devices when I am at home and just enjoy the things around me. Plus I couldn’t really do much around the house with my bum knee.
Still reading The Shell Seekers
My view from the deck. A lot of bugs flying around this time of year. I guess you just have to take the good with the bad.

I couldn’t remember if I had introduced you to my latest orchid, Camilla, I bought her a couple of weeks ago. She is doing great!!! My niece rescued three orchids from a building that had housed a nursery. A lot of plants that were struggling were just left behind. She brought me three. I will let you know more about those later. I need to replant them and get them settled in.

I celebrated my Birthday and Wedding Anniversary this past week. My sister had a pizza party for me yesterday. We had such a great time. My coworkers had Birthday cake for me too. My husband had to work so we will be celebrating the Anniversary and Birthday later this week.

I have to leave you with a picture of my sweet Izzy. She is almost the exact color of the rocks.

Have a wonderful week

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!

Sunday Morning Coffee Share

Hello friends and happy Sunday. Come in and share a nice cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate with me and we will catch up on things.

I think we would talk first about the weather: Our weather yesterday and so far this morning looks perfect. Temps in the mid to high 70s F and sunny and clear. The sky is a beautiful shade of blue. We did have some rain earlier in the week and a lot of clouds. This caused the partial eclipse in our area to be a bit of a flop. But we had the total eclipse here in 2017 so it will be hard to beat that.

What am I reading? I am still reading The Shell Seekers. Because it is a big book, and one that I can’t really take to bed with me, it’s going to take me a while to finish. I like to read before I go to sleep at night. I am also reading Still Life at Eighty by Abigail Thomas. I love her books. I have to say this one is a bit of a downer but I just started it so we will see.

How is work you ask: Well it is absolutely crazy right now. I work in Tourism and we are really gearing up for the season. So much to do before summer. My work load has been a lot with not a lot of down time.

What I am loving: I am loving the flowers that are blooming. The Azaleas are blooming. My Irises are blooming this year. They really didn’t do well last year. I did some research and discovered that they probably needed to be thinned. I did that and gave some to my nephew and his wife. I love spreading them around. These are very special because my mama had them at our house where I grew up. When she passed and we got ready to sell the house I made sure to get some of them.

What projects have I been working on? Well I finally finished the heart cross stitch that I have been working on for years. I started it a few years ago for Valentine’s Day. When I didn’t finish it in time for Valentines, I put it away until the next year. Finally after doing this for a couple years I decided to work on it until I finished it. So that is what I did. I love hearts so much, why just put it out for decoration on Valentine’s Day. I decided that I will keep it out all year.

Finishing the heart cross stitch has made me want to tackle a lot of other unfinished projects.

I had just started the hearts: probably 3 years ago
A little more progress. My Scruffy was still with me then. He always loved to snuggle when I was sewing or knitting.
This is where I finally decided this thing was going to be finished.
I did finish it and washed and pressed it.
And framed it. I love the way it looks.

So what has been happening with you? I think I will wander outside and enjoy this nice sunny weather.

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!

I will be linking up with Natalie the Explorer on #Weekend Coffee Share