My Southern Pound Cake Was A Flop

Hello friends and happy Tuesday. My husband and I just returned from an overnight trip to Nashville. About every four months Mark has to go to Nashville to see his kidney doctor or an NP to check on how well the transplanted kidney is doing. The doctor visit and bloodwork lasts approximately thirty minutes or so but the drive over and back is about four hours each way. Several months ago we started going over the day before. We leave in the afternoon, take our time, have a great dinner out, spend the night and have the doctors’ visit early the next morning and then start home. This is so much better. We are not exhausted the way we used to be when we tried to do it all in one day.

So yesterday was our day to drive to Nashville. It was eclipse day. Our area was only going to see a partial eclipse this time. Some areas had better luck than others. We were driving so we really didn’t get to see totality. As I said it was a bit of a disappointment anyway because it was just too cloudy. It did get very dark and of course that is exciting in the middle of the afternoon. We had a great dinner in Nashville and went to bed early and got a good night’s sleep.

You can see how dark it is for the middle of the afternoon.

On our way home today we stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Lebanon for breakfast. If you don’t have Cracker Barrel’s in your area, you just don’t know what you are missing. It is mostly southern cooking and it is really yummy. There is also a wonderful gift shop and as luck would have it I had a gift card, that was given to me at Christmas. This is what I bought. It was also 50% off so it was quite a bargain. I have a thing for cake stands and I have quite a few of them. I try to refrain from buying more because I just don’t have anywhere to keep them. I will probably keep this one on my table.

My sister and I did a little shopping on Saturday. We hadn’t been out together in several weeks. We thought some retail therapy would do us both a bit of good. We went to T. J. Maxx in Cleveland. Cleveland is just south of us about forty miles. It’s not quite as crazy as Knoxville on a Saturday.

I bought these pillows for my couch. I put them on the piano bench to get a good shot of them. I love the color.
I have been wanting a white sweater jacket for some time. I can’t wait to wear this.

Now for the pound cake. Remember this book I bought when I was in Nashville a couple of weeks ago? My plan was to make each of the cakes in this book, there’s sixty cake recipes. The first cake was a classic southern pound cake. So on Sunday afternoon I got to work.

This is the book
I decided to use my stand mixer
The ingredients: I thought it was a little odd to use powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar.
I sifted the flour (all purpose)
I creamed the butter
I greased and floured the pans
I added the eggs one at a time.
I may have beaten the mixture too much
I put the batter into the pans and baked for the recommended time.
They looked beautiful and smelled so good.

They were terrible!!!! I could have used them as a weapon. They were hard and so dense. I googled possible problems and it seems as though I may have beat the batter too much. Over beating can cause gluten to form and this can make the cake really dense.

I was so disappointed that my pound cake turned out so bad. I did learn that maybe I shouldn’t beat the batter too much next time. If you have any advice on how to make better pound cakes, and not turn them into weapons of destruction or door stops please let me know. The next cake is a chocolate pound cake, so we shall see.

That is what has been happening around here how about you?

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!


Friday Favorites And A French Butter Press

Happy Friday everyone. I will get to the French Butter Press in Just a moment. It was one of my favorite Christmas presents. But let me show you a few other favorites for this week.

You have probably heard me talk about my Kitty Gus and that he is a very large boy. Probably about 17 pounds. He and Kitty Kitty share a litter box. At one time they each had their own box but they completely stopped using one of them so I took it up. Their box is pretty much the standard size with a domed top. We noticed that Gus was having issues turning around and getting in and out. We bought him this jumbo litter box. It is for both of them. And they love it!!! It is a few extra inches on the sides and the length and the opening is bigger. It was $49.99 from Amazon and totally worth it for their comfort. Especially Gus since he is such a big boy.

Last week a coworker’s mom sent us some leftover treats from Christmas. We love it when she bakes a lot around the holidays. She always sends us the yummiest treats. We call her Martha Stewart. She always packages everything so nicely.

My orchid Zsa Zsa has now become two orchids. Well she really was two all along. She was a gift when my sister passed away almost two years ago. I always suspected that Zsa Zsa might be two orchids but I didn’t find out for sure until I repotted her last night. The repotting was not pleasant and I will tell you more about that in a future post. But now that she is two I have decided to name her after another Gabor sister. I named her Ava.

This was Zsa Zsa before I repotted her. One reason I hadn’t repotted her since I had her was because she had bloomed continuously. Some of the base leaves seemed to be crowded together and in distress.
This isn’t the best picture but you can see they are now in two smaller pots. I will tell you there was a lot of root rot at the bottom. I am not sure if they will survive but I feel like this is the only chance they had.  ( I still haven’t gotten all of my Christmas decorations put away yet)

I looked out the window this morning and I saw the most beautiful sunrise. I have probably taken pictures of the sunrise in this same spot a million times but it always makes me catch my breath when I see these beautiful colors.

And now for the French Butter Press. I had never heard of one. My nephew and his wife gave it to me for Christmas. I opened the gift and just thought it was a cute urn of some type with a lid. My niece said “do you know what it is?” I didn’t. She told me and explained how it works. You may have one and use it all the time. It is new to me and quite wonderful. 

Isn’t it adorable?

The top comes off and you pack butter into the top, the lid. It will hold an entire stick of butter. The bottom of the press is filled about 1/3 full of water. Then you put the top back and it forms an airtight seal. The butter stays soft without becoming rancid. I love real butter. None of that margarine stuff for me. So this keeps the butter nice and spreadable.

It is only about 4in. High.

Here are some great tips when using the French Butter Press taken from the Facebook page of James Sloss Pottery. 

How much water and how often do I need to change The water should at least cover the little hole in the cone. Water should be as close to or touching the butter as possible.
The water should be changed at least once a week.Do you pack the butter into the crock right out of the refrigerator, or do you wait until the butter reaches room temperature?  Also, is there a problem with water getting into the butter, thus onto the bread, etc.?    Let the butter warm up a little before packing it in to the lid, but not so long that it is completely soft.  Sometime, if I do not have the time to wait, I’ll pack it in right out of the refrigerator.  Water and butter (oil) will not mix so there is no problem with water getting into the butter.Put a small amount of salt in the water to stop mold
A long time ago a customer bought two butter dishes, one as a present for his sister and one for his himself. He wrote, asking me about mold in his butter dish. He then asked his sister if she had the same problem. She did not, but she was using a different brand of butter. He switched to her brand and the problem went away. I have talked with a woman from the Alsace region in France. She told me her family always added salt to the water in their butter dishes. It came to me that the salt in the butter keeps the mold away.  I ran an experiment with two butter dishes using unsalted butter.   I put salt in the water of one and not in the other.  There was no mold in the butter dish with salted water!  There was mold in the other dish!  I now always put salt in the water, even with salted butter.  So low salt and unsalted butter is causing this problem.    A process of evaporation takes place through the pottery (helping to keep the inside slightly cooler). This happens more with some glazes then others, and if adding too much salt it may precipitate to the outside leaving a floury powder.Also, French butter dish user Julie sent this in: I find that if you aren’t careful to keep bread particles out of the butter (kids!), you get mold.
HTH–JulieThe butter in my French butter dish started falling into the base, is there something wrong? When the temperature approaches 90′ F the butter will become to soft to stay in the lid.  If you do not have air conditioning you will need to put the butter dish in the refrigerator or add ice to the water in the base.
Butter mixtures like “Land of Lakes spreadable” have margarine blended into the butter.   This makes the butter to oily to stay in the lid.  Only pure butter will work in a French Butter Dish. (butter bell)What is the difference between Porcelain and Stoneware?:Stoneware is a little stronger then porcelain but that is only relevant if the pottery is used for cooking.  Porcelain is a finer clay body with less impurities then stoneware.  The porcelain clay body I use is white when fired and therefore the glazes can be more vibrant and colorful. I use two stoneware clays, a buff white and a high iron red.   I use the high iron red for the stony gray (I also sometimes us it for copper red and the odd one of a kind piece.  The iron bleeds through the glaze to its surface for the stony effect.  I use the same glaze over the buff white stoneware for the stony white butter dishes.  To sum it up: the stoneware clay is for earthy colors, the porcelain for brighter and shinier colors.What is the difference between a French Butter Dish and a butter crock or bell
There are numerous manufactured versions of the French Butter Dish that use copyrighted names like the “Butter Bell”.  The difference is that manufactured versions can not create a cone shaped lid like our hand made butter dishes therefore they must be smaller or the butter will fall out.
 Is the French butter dish dishwasher safe?
Yes, it is dishwasher safeCan I use margarine (or other spreads) in a French Butter Dish?
French Butter Dish works best when real butter is used. Margarine does not have a spreadability problem and is then butter s will not stay in the lid very easily. Do not store other processed spreads for any length of time. Processed spreads like cream cheese need refrigeration to stay fresh for extended periods of time. You can use a French Butter Dish for special spreads if you do not plan to store it for long. For example use a French Butter Dish a serving piece at an evening dinner party for a special dip or spread that you create. It also works for Coconut oil.What is the size of your butter dishes
 They are about 4 1/2″ round by 4″ high.  Since they are handmade they are not exactly the same size.

So those are some of my favorites for the week. What have you been enjoying this week?

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!!!


Sunday Morning Coffee Share

Happy Sunday and the last day of the year. Do you have big plans for the New Year? I don’t. I have to work tomorrow so I am sure I will be in bed early. The new year will arrive right on time whether I am awake to see it or not. I am perfectly happy with that.

You can see I am enjoying my coffee from my new mug that my niece gave me for Christmas. I love it!!!

I also made a blueberry cobbler to enjoy with my coffee. I am happy to share.

If we were sharing a coffee or cup of tea or hot chocolate, I am sure we would talk about the year coming to an end and, the new one starting fresh and new with tons of possibilities. What excitement that stirs in my heart.

I think first we would talk about the weather. It is beautiful today the sun is shining so bright. It is cold a chilly 38F but the sun makes it feel much warmer. Yesterday was such a gray day. It was gloomy and cold. Just perfect for staying at home and doing nothing. Today the sun is shining so bright it hurts my eyes. I think I will take a long walk later.

What I am working on:I have put the knitting aside for just a bit and have gone back to working on my heart cross stitch. Guys I have been working on this for three years. I had originally planned it for Valentine’s and as soon as Valentine’s Day has passed I put it up and forget about it. I think that because I love hearts so much it would be something to have displayed all the time.

I will also repot one of my orchids today. It is huge and I think it is two orchids. I need to separate them. I will be able to tell more about them when I get into it.

What I am reading: I finally finished The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I have to say the last third of the book was much better than the beginning. I am currently listening to an audio book by Danielle Steel, All That Glitters, and it is really good so far. I got several books for Christmas and I can’t wait to get started on those.

What I am wearing: Well pajamas currently. I had to work all week so I decided to take it easy this weekend. I will put more clothes on later.

What I am eating: Too many treats. So many goodies are left over from Christmas. I need to load them up and take them to the break room at work. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions but I would like to change my diet and start eating healthier.

What I am looking forward to: The new year, enjoying the remaining winter season and then spring, learning new things, spending time with family and loved ones, reading a ton of books, gearing up for a new season at work and just enjoying life.

What will your New Year look like.

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!!

Turkey Trivia

Happy Thanksgiving. If you are in the U.S. today is the day we celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving originated as a day of harvest and festival and of course a huge meal. A day to set aside everything and give thanks for what we are most thankful for. And for most of us a day to eat turkey. More about the turkey in just a moment.

I am thankful for my husband, family, fur babies, friends, health, and all of you who take time to read my blog. I have made so many new friends through this blog and I have learned so much from all of you. So while you are waiting on your meal here are some fun facts about the center of our meal. The turkey.

What is a male turkey called? A Tom, Female turkey? A hen, Baby turkey? a poult, chick or turklette.

Why do turkeys gobble? Actually only the male turkeys gobble and they do it mostly in the spring and fall. It is a mating call and attracts the hen. Wild turkeys also gobble when they’re surprised by loud sounds.

What’s that weird wobbly thing on a turkey’s neck? This is called a wattle. When the male turkey is excited, especially during mating season, the wattle turns a scarlet red.

Can turkeys fly? The wild turkey can fly! They usually prefer to walk or run. The domestic turkey is not an agile flyer, and will perch in trees to stay safe from predators.

How long to turkeys live? The life span of a wild turkey is three or four years.

Did the Pilgrims eat turkey at their harvest feast? No one is really sure. It is mentioned in several journals that Pilgrims gathered “wild fowl” for the meal, although that could have been ducks or geese.

What were some other foods served at the first Plymouth feast? Venison, Fowl, Corn, Nuts (walnuts, chestnuts, beechnuts) Shellfish, Beans, Pumpkin, Squashes.

How many people eat turkey on Thanksgiving? More than 88% of Americans eat turkey for their Thanksgiving meal.

How long can I nibble on turkey leftovers? In the fridge 3-4 days. In the freezer, 2-3 months.

Just some fun turkey trivia for you. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Spend time with family and friends and just enjoy being together.

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!