My Southern Pound Cake Was A Flop

Hello friends and happy Tuesday. My husband and I just returned from an overnight trip to Nashville. About every four months Mark has to go to Nashville to see his kidney doctor or an NP to check on how well the transplanted kidney is doing. The doctor visit and bloodwork lasts approximately thirty minutes or so but the drive over and back is about four hours each way. Several months ago we started going over the day before. We leave in the afternoon, take our time, have a great dinner out, spend the night and have the doctors’ visit early the next morning and then start home. This is so much better. We are not exhausted the way we used to be when we tried to do it all in one day.

So yesterday was our day to drive to Nashville. It was eclipse day. Our area was only going to see a partial eclipse this time. Some areas had better luck than others. We were driving so we really didn’t get to see totality. As I said it was a bit of a disappointment anyway because it was just too cloudy. It did get very dark and of course that is exciting in the middle of the afternoon. We had a great dinner in Nashville and went to bed early and got a good night’s sleep.

You can see how dark it is for the middle of the afternoon.

On our way home today we stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Lebanon for breakfast. If you don’t have Cracker Barrel’s in your area, you just don’t know what you are missing. It is mostly southern cooking and it is really yummy. There is also a wonderful gift shop and as luck would have it I had a gift card, that was given to me at Christmas. This is what I bought. It was also 50% off so it was quite a bargain. I have a thing for cake stands and I have quite a few of them. I try to refrain from buying more because I just don’t have anywhere to keep them. I will probably keep this one on my table.

My sister and I did a little shopping on Saturday. We hadn’t been out together in several weeks. We thought some retail therapy would do us both a bit of good. We went to T. J. Maxx in Cleveland. Cleveland is just south of us about forty miles. It’s not quite as crazy as Knoxville on a Saturday.

I bought these pillows for my couch. I put them on the piano bench to get a good shot of them. I love the color.
I have been wanting a white sweater jacket for some time. I can’t wait to wear this.

Now for the pound cake. Remember this book I bought when I was in Nashville a couple of weeks ago? My plan was to make each of the cakes in this book, there’s sixty cake recipes. The first cake was a classic southern pound cake. So on Sunday afternoon I got to work.

This is the book
I decided to use my stand mixer
The ingredients: I thought it was a little odd to use powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar.
I sifted the flour (all purpose)
I creamed the butter
I greased and floured the pans
I added the eggs one at a time.
I may have beaten the mixture too much
I put the batter into the pans and baked for the recommended time.
They looked beautiful and smelled so good.

They were terrible!!!! I could have used them as a weapon. They were hard and so dense. I googled possible problems and it seems as though I may have beat the batter too much. Over beating can cause gluten to form and this can make the cake really dense.

I was so disappointed that my pound cake turned out so bad. I did learn that maybe I shouldn’t beat the batter too much next time. If you have any advice on how to make better pound cakes, and not turn them into weapons of destruction or door stops please let me know. The next cake is a chocolate pound cake, so we shall see.

That is what has been happening around here how about you?

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!


Hello April, It May Be Dogwood Winter

I said my goodbyes to March. As usual March went swooshing by in maybe five minutes. Here we are in the beautiful month of April, my birth month and so it goes.

March came in like the roaring lion it can be and went out as gentle as a sweet lamb. Gone for another year. Although no March will be quite like the one we just had. It couldn’t be. You wouldn’t want it to be for one reason or another. But isn’t that true of every month, year and even every day? Ok I might be getting off track. Back to brand new April and the Dogwoods.

The temps here yesterday were mid 80’s F and then today they plummeted to the mid 50’sF. What?? First of all let me explain. We are more than likely experiencing Dogwood Winter. Yes I know it is a little early in the month for Dogwood Winter but who am I to say it is not. Dogwood Winter is the second of many teasing winters that keep popping up in our area until full spring or summer arrives. This is what a lot of the early settlers believe and some still do. I follow these winters very closely. My husband poo poos me and calls me crazy. The weather is just what it is here he says. He says the temps will drop because a cold front is coming through. Yes it is I say, it is called Dogwood Winter!!!!

What is this Dogwood Winter? Well my dear friend it is when the beautiful dogwood trees start to flower, it follows Red Bud Winter. It is often hard to know exactly when Dogwood Winter will hit because the Dogwood trees may bloom at different times from region to region. I think it is no coincidence that the Dogwoods are flowering and a cold snap is coming. Just look at the temps for this week.

Usually Dogwood Winter falls later in April and who knows, we may have cooler temps again as we get into the middle of April and more dogwoods start flowering. I will tell you I am worried about the new blossoms that are blooming and these cold temps we will have in the next few days. It could really hurt some of the newly budding trees.

If you want to know when the last frost of the year will be and when it is safe to plant your gardens, then all you have to do is look at your Farmer’s Almanac. Or research some data online for the average frost dates. Our ancestors didn’t have the Farmer’s Almanac or Google to help determine when they should plant their crops. They had to rely on the changes that the seasons brought about. Because the Dogwood trees usually bloom out around mid April or even to early May, and this just happened to be the same time that the last frost would take place, they knew it wasn’t safe to plant their crops until the Dogwoods finished blooming Most old timers will tell you this is too early to be Dogwood Winter but all I know is, they’re blooming and it is suddenly winter again.

I leave you with some of my favorite Dogwood photos that I have taken throughout the years and a poem by an unknown author. The Legend Of The Dogwood. I will take more pictures this year and I will share those as well.

The Legend Of The Dogwood:

There is a legend that at the time of the crucifixion the dogwood had been the size of the oak and other forest trees. So firm and strong was the tree that it was chosen as the timber for the cross. To be used for such a cruel purpose greatly dis- tressed the tree, and our Lord, nailed upon it, sensed this, and in his gentle pity for all sorrow and suffering said to it: “Because of your regret and pity for my suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross. Henceforth it shall be slender and bent and twisted, and its blossoms shall be in the form of a
cross, two long and two short petals. And in the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints, brown with rust and stained with red, and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see it
will remember.”

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!!


Tuesday Happenings

Hello and happy Tuesday!!! Another busy and full week last week. We finally got my mother in law moved to a care facility closer to us. She is doing as well as can be expected. We are just taking it day by day. We are trying not to expect too much and hoping and praying for the best. She is ninety years old and we are realistic about how things can change quickly with her.

Last week was also a crazy work week. My work is starting to get really busy. Between work and going back and forth visiting my mil there wasn’t a lot of down time. She sleeps most of the time it is hard to rouse her to talk. I do think she knows we are there and that she gets some comfort from that.

I did take a couple of hours last weekend to make these cute paper roses. I saw the idea on Instagram and then went to YouTube and found a few videos. I love the way they turned out. Once you get the hang of it they’re really easy to make. I made these while watching a DIY on YouTube called Paper Book Roses.

I hated the idea of cutting up a book. I want to the thrift store and bought a couple of really old books. I think that made the roses even better because it gave them a more vintage look. Instead of trying to tell you or show you how to make them, and if you are interested in making them, just google paper roses or roses made from book pages or something like that and you will get lots of different ways to do them.

I also finished knitting a scarf over the weekend. I was really close to finishing and finally just buckled down and finished it. I love red and I think this will go great with a lot of things. It is almost getting too warm here for scarves but there is always next year. I am trying so hard to focus on some of the projects I have started and finishing them!!!!

And every chance I get I am working on my nephews’ Afghan. I am doing this one in gray and navy blue, Tennessee Titans colors. That is his favorite team. This one is crocheted and it is nice to switch from knitting to crochet every now and then.

Isn’t this the cutest brooch. I bought it a couple of weeks ago at one of my local thrift stores. I almost forgot about it. I started to throw the bag away and it was in the bottom. I collect some of the really big brooches. I love the unique ones. I don’t really like to wear them but I plan to use them for a project one day. I do occasionally put them on a purse or hat.

Isn’t she pretty?

I leave you with a picture of our work cat. Her name is Anthodite which is a cave formation made up of crystals. We call her Anthey for short. She showed up about two years ago. She is a bit feral and only comes around when there is not a lot of people around. There are a few of us who have been lucky enough to pet Anthey, for just a second or two, but she is very selective. I would love to take her home someday. she is the most precious girl and has made it for quite a while in the wild.


So yes a very busy week but I did want to catch up with all of you. My blog is my happy place and I love reading blog posts from my fellow bloggers. I am catching up on some of those right now. Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!!

A Long Week And A Sick Kitty

Happy Wednesday friends. This week feels like it has gone on forever and it’s only Wednesday. My big boy Gus has been under the weather and not feeling good.

It started last week when it seemed as though Gus was having trouble using the bathroom. He would go into the kitty box and scratch and scratch and come out and visibly strain to use the bathroom usually on the rug outside the door. I am going to spare you any other details than that.

He seemed to be feeling better one day and then not himself the next. I called the vet on Tuesday and got him in that same afternoon. They did an X-ray to determine if he had any kind of blockage other than a hairball or poop. Luckily he didn’t. They gave him medicine to help get him on track and he is back to his old self. He is romping and playing with Kitty Kitty again. It makes my heart so happy. I hate to see him moping around and not being himself.

This boy is feeling much better.

Over the weekend my husband and I cut the tree that had fallen across the road a couple of weeks ago. We had cut it off of the road and just moved it to the side of the road. It still looked pretty bad. We cut all of it and carried it away from the road. It was a beautiful day to be outside.

We also put my bottle tree in the yard. This is was a Christmas present from two years ago!!!!! It has been in our garage all this time. I tried to put the tree up one day by myself but it is metal and heavy and I couldn’t even lift it. I finally talked my husband into getting his auger and drilling a hole for it. It took all of ten minutes. I guess we both thought it was going to be more of a job than it was. But it is up and I love it. I only had six bottles to put on it. I ordered a few more but I really want to collect bottles that I find in thrift stores or get at garage sales. I think this will be fun and they will be unique.

I can’t wait to add more bottles in many different colors.

I made beef stew on Sunday. I put it in my crockpot and let it slow cook. I had some leftover sourdough bread that we had with it and it was delicious.

My sister had a doctor’s appointment in Knoxville on Friday. I went with her and we did a little shopping afterwards. Look at these bunnies and Easter decorations at T.J Maxx.

I had hoped to find some cute things for Valentine’s Day but they had nothing. Of course they did put their Valentines decorations out before Christmas so I guess they sold out.

A fellow blogger mentioned a poem by Ted Kooser. I loved the poem so I ordered one of his books and I am so loving these poems. While I was at the Vet with Gus I had to wait almost two hours for everything they were doing. I sat in my car and read almost this entire book. It so helped calm this kitty mama’s nerves and take my mind off of worrying about my big Gus.

This is my favorite poem in this book, so far. I haven’t quite finished the book.

So yes it feels like a long week. Knowing my Gus is feeling better is wonderful. But still a bit of a crazy week. I think I need some down time to reflect and just chill. I think that may have to come from within me though. One of the things I most enjoyed this week was watching a man with his three dogs. I was parked at the vet clinic. A man at a house next door opened his front door. Out bounded three of the most beautiful big dogs I have ever seen. They almost looked like popcorn popping up and down and all over each other. They were so happy. He had a fenced yard and they ran and ran and played until they flopped down beside each other. I could see their tongues lolling out. They were just precious. You never know when you are going to catch a glimpse of something that will stick with you always.

How is your week going?

Always remember

Love your day your way!!!!