Hello Monday

Hello and happy Memorial Day. How was your week and weekend? Hopefully it was a nice long one for you. I am so humbled and awe stricken to think of the men and women who have served our country and gave everything in doing so. Let us never forget the reason we observe Memorial Day.

Have you ever had a week that felt like it was a month long? Well that is how work was for me last week. It seems like all I did was come home, eat some dinner and go to bed.

On Wednesday we noticed a dog running around the yard. We saw it on our blink security camera. We thought he belonged to someone visiting one of the neighbors. We kept seeing him and then when Mark came home on Wednesday he, turns out it was a she, followed his truck down the driveway and proceeded to make herself at home. She looked half starved. My husband said that was just the hound in her. We weren’t sure how she would do with the cats so we put the outside kitties in the garage.

She came right up on my deck while we were gone. Sorry for the bad pic it was from the blink camera.

The dog, I named her Sally, and was already figuring out which day I could get her to the vet, did not have a tag on her collar. She was big and goofy and so sweet. We gave her some food and water. During the night it rained and I was so worried about her. By morning she had gone back home. Turns out some people were camping down the lake and she was just wandering around. I was a little disappointed and a little relieved. Although I would never let my babies wander like this alone.

On Friday, I again went with some friends to Iron Works Grill on the river. They do karaoke every Friday night. It is so much fun. Plus the views are spectacular. Aren’t those mountains beautiful?

A couple of weekends ago I went to an estate sale. The people having the sale had actually had it for a couple of weekends so they were ready to get rid of some things. Well everything actually. This is what I got:

This blue Buddha for $2.00. I think it will go great in one of our bathrooms.
I cannot pass up a nice cake stand. And this one doubles as a bowl $2.00

Look at this purse. It is a little worn and I am going to redo the lining. I love it. It reminds me of the purses my mama carried when I was a little girl. I may try a little diluted bleach water to whiten it back up. $2.00.

I just couldn’t pass those things up. I know my husband rolls his eyes when I drag pieces into the house but I always find use for them eventually.

The pollen here has been crazy. So many people are having sinus and allergy problems, fortunately I am not. My poor husband has allergies and this time of year for him is really hard. We have also had a lot of rain. It seems like it has rained almost every day for a couple of weeks. I guess that helps the pollen a little.

The roads near my house were almost flooded this morning.

I leave you with the best thing I have received in a long time. A friend from work found out I like to sew and that I had a sewing machine. He told me that his mother or grandmother had an old tackle box that was full of sewing supplies. He asked if I would like to have it. He said he had no use for it. I told him I would love to have it. He brought it in today. It was full of all kinds of goodies. Threads, bobbins, needles, buttons, sewing machine tools, pins etc etc. I was in heaven. I offered to pay him for it but he said giving it to someone that could use it was enough. I was really touched.

Look at all of this!!!!!

I have been knitting like crazy with every spare minute. I worked on a shawl and almost have it finished. I guess you could say it is more of a wrap. I made another one exactly like it last year but it was my first one and I wasn’t too happy with the way it turned out. Hopefully I will have it finished and blocked by the end of the week. I also started another pair of socks. Pink.

That’s it for me tonight.

Always remember

Love your day your way!

7 thoughts on “Hello Monday

  1. Many years ago a former coworker gave me a box of sewing supplies that she picked up for $5 at a thrift store. It was a real treat as most of the threads were for machine embroidery, and I happened to have a sewing machine that can embroider. I don’t use my machine for embroidery any more so I’ve since given most of those threads away to a friend’s granddaughter who loves to sew. Paying it forward!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Lisa I’m sure the owners were happy to find Sally. 😢I love all the estate sale goodies you got. Beautiful cake Stand. Love your blue Buddha💙 Lisa I can remember mama having purses like the one you got. 😘  And that tackle box filled with all these sewing pieces. I know you’re in heaven. Such a sweet man at your work for him to give it to you. I know you’ll make great things with this. ❤️ Cathy

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  3. What a strange way to keep a dog…I’m glad it was ok (I hope). Great finds, I especially love the Buddha and the cake stand! The pollen on the lake is interesting! (we are having a heavy pollen season here too!) Drive safe and thanks for sharing – a wonderful weekend!

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