Mainly In Maine


FCEB89ED-1F11-4AB9-8DD4-3BB873FFFF23Hello friends,

Well it’s back to reality for this girl.  Vacation is over sort of.  I’ll explain in a minute.
Visiting Maine has been on my bucket list for many years.  So when a vacation to Wrightsville Beach near Wilmington North Carolina fell through, because of Hurricane Flo, me and my husband tried to think of a new vacation destination.  Like I said I had always wanted to visit Maine especially in the fall of the year.

As soon as I realized we would have to cancel our Wrightsville Beach trip I started looking at Inns and B&B’s near Bar Harbor or Camden Maine.  There were almost no availabilities near Bar Harbor. I thought this was because places were booked but come to find out it was because many were closed for the season.

I chose an Inn right on the ocean called The Inn at Ocean’s Edge. It is located in the small town of Lincolnville which is just outside Camden.  Lincolnville is about an hour from Bangor, where we flew in, and Bar Harbor and the Acadia National Park. It is a small town of about 3,000 people but beautiful and very laid back.   The Inn was fabulous.   A delicious breakfast is served every morning in a beautiful sunny part of the Inn.  An endless pool ( although it was a little chilly for swimming) that was beautiful and views of the ocean like you just can’t imagine.  Check it out if you visit Maine.




The day after we arrived in Maine we visited the town of Bar Harbor.  Very pretty but lots and lots of people especially when the cruise ships come into town.  So many beautiful inns and antique shops in this area.




We also did a harbor cruise in Camden and saw seals and learned about pulling in the lobster cages.  We even got to hold some of the lobsters and throw the smaller ones back. We also saw the Curtis Island Lighthouse, it is on Curtis Island and only accessible by boat.





F9CC2071-FA7B-45C4-914D-A3CFD14C881A      Curtis Island Lighthouse

We also visited the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse.  This one was a little hard to get to.  I had read the reviews that it was almost a mile walk out on huge stones to get to the lighthouse.  Actually 732,277 tons of granite were used to make the breakwater leading to the lighthouse.  So a mile walk out and a mile walk back was not a problem for us but the uneven stones and the large gaps in between made it difficult to walk without really watching what you were doing.  One wrong step and you could wedge your foot or leg between the stones.  All in all it was well worth going to see.




Look at the huge gaps in the stones



I just had to get a shot of this guy


Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse

I discovered a wonderful little basket shop and Indian museum.  It was in a small community called Duck Trap close to where we were staying.  We stopped in one day on our way into town and then I went back another day by myself and did the museum tour and talked to the owners.  The owner Joe Anderson is 88 years old and his friend Nancy is somewhat younger.  Joe is a Penobscot Indian and his family has been making the baskets since 1930.  There is so much history in this small museum located inside part of their house.  I was so glad I stopped in I spent a couple of hours with Joe and Nancy hearing about Maine and how Joe and his family made baskets all winter and then sold them on Hwy 1 in the summer.





Joe’s pack basket that he used for hunting and carrying things.

And of course we went to Stephen King’s house


And also back to the Acadia National Park to Cadillac Mountain where it was freezing but an unbelievable view.  The colors of the leaves were spectacular.



And of course I found a yarn shop in Belfast which was about 15 Miles from us and it was wonderful!!!!! So many end of season sales. Look at my haul


A lot of work went into planning this trip.  Not where to stay or anything like that. But I have to say I don’t know what I would do without my family.  My sister and nephew drove all the way to my house every day to take care of Kitty Kitty and my outside dog Molly. It is a 22 mile drive one way.  My sister in law kept Scruffy at her house since he is a little more needy.  My other sister  checked on my mother in law, she is in an assisted living center, to make sure she had everything she needed while we were gone the 8 days.  Wow my family is awesome!!!!

Now about the vacation.  I am still off for a few days so me and the sisters are going on a short trip to Gatlinburg.  We do this every year, sister trip, it started back many many years ago when my mama was alive.  We have so much fun.

So I had one day after returning from Maine to repack, do laundry, buy groceries, check on mother in law, love on the fur babies and get ready for sister trip.  Wow.  What a crazy but wonderfully fun couple of weeks.

See you soon.

Love your day your way!!!


5 thoughts on “Mainly In Maine

  1. Sounds wonderful! I love to visit small towns like Lincolnville. And, the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, how unique is that? I’m glad you had a great time even though your original trip was cancelled. I had to cancel a trip to Cape Hatteras because of Flo.


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