An Interesting Week

Hello, happy Monday and happy February. How is your week starting out?  Last week, for me, was a strange kind of week. One of those weeks filled with a lot of different things. Some highs and some lows.  First of all we had some snow. Not a lot. Not enough to have a snow day at home. However, the snow was beautiful while it was hanging around.  It started early Tuesday morning and for about an hour it was a winter wonderland. It was the heavy wet snow that sticks to everything, well everything except the road that is.  I went out and took a few pictures and then took a few on my way into work. I did go in a bit later because according to the weather forecast we were supposed to have freezing temperatures shortly after the snow started and everything was supposed to freeze. Didn’t happen.

My driveway and clearly you can see no snow on it.

Still no snow on the road

     I pass this old barn on my way into work every day.
The snow made it kind of magical.




 Wednesday after the snow started melting.

I am glad that because of modern technology we can text our friends and loved ones to our hearts content.  But do you ever feel frustrated that sometimes trying to get your point across is lost in translation.  I had a few times like that last week and it is a very frustrating and sometimes hurtful thing.  This was a low point for me and I am trying not to dwell on it. I sometimes miss the one on one communication instead of the convenience of texting and emailing.  Sorry I just thought I would throw that random bit in there because it can be very frustrating thinking that you or someone you are texting may be missing the point.

I took a vacation day on Wednesday so I guess I sort of got a snow day. I stayed at home and enjoyed the warmth and my fur babies and worked at my craft table.
As you can see I have several different projects going on, you know me.

Thursday I had a meeting with an ad representative about 45 minutes away and we had a lovely lunch and then I went home.

On Saturday my niece Amy R texted and wanted me to go thrift shopping with her in nearby Maryville. I was right in the middle of cleaning my bathrooms but I reached a stopping point and we took off and had a great day.  Amy has a wonderful eye for decorating and I love to be with her and hear her ideas on how she would use certain items.  She makes me think of arranging things in ways I never would have dreamed of.

B5921DA9-911A-4FC0-8110-1BAD26513023                                                   Made beef stew on Sunday

I am a little frustrated that I didn’t meet all of the goals I set for myself for January but you know what?  I will continue to work on them and we will see where February gets me.  You may remember I shared them with you in January.
1. I did try to help someone every day even if it was on a very small level.  This gets me out of my own head for awhile.
2. I did not lose five pounds. I did not gain five pounds but neither did I lose.
3. I did not work out at least four days a week nor did I get my steps in. I will try harder.
4. I didn’t try a new recipe.  I will for sure this month.
5. I did visit with a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile.
6. I did try something new.  I made the arm knitted basket.  I wasn’t too happy with the   results but that is another story.
7. I did try to be present every day and enjoy the things around me.  Taking lots of pictures in the  snow helped me to do this.
8. I did buy a shirt because I loved it and the shop was going out of business and it was on super sale.
9.  I tried every day.  That is all I can expect of myself.
10. I did a devotional almost every day. I missed a few days.

So there is definitely some room for improvement but isn’t there always?

My crazy husband ordered this Duncan Yo-Yo and brought it home tonight we have had the most fun playing with it and trying to remember all the old Yo-Yo tricks like rocking the cradle and walking the dog.  Kitty Kitty wants to play with it so bad she stands almost straight up and tries to bat it with her paws.

Have a wonderful week. You know we are having an early spring right?

Love you day your way!!!

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