I Have Cabin Fever!!!!

Hello hello how are you?  The sick bug has hit our little family.  Mark was sick all weekend before last.  I was hoping I wouldn’t catch what he had but being in such close quarters almost makes that impossible. I should have known something was going on last Tuesday when everything I did seemed to be crazy.  Well crazier than normal, you know me. Have you ever felt that way?  I got a late start at work and then everything just seemed to go down hill from there.  It’s like everything I did was strange like I was walking through a fog. I had a weird day at work where nothing seemed to go right.  I went to the Post Office and left my keys in my P.O. Box and when I got to my car I couldn’t figure out where my keys were, I went to Walmart and the self check out messed up after I had already rung everything up.  I went through the drive through at Sonic and they brought me the wrong order.  I totally forgot about a million things I needed to do because it seemed like I had a permanent brain fog.  I should have known something was going on.

By Tuesday night I started to get this little tickle in my throat and then by morning I was coughing my head off and sounded terrible.  But me being the me that I am, thought I could still handle going to work so in I went.  Of course everyone there looked at me like I had the plague and gave me that “why do you want to come to work and infect us” look.  I don’t blame them I would have been the same way about them. I felt really bad and I left at noon and went home.  I went to bed and I didn’t leave the house until Sunday morning when I decided to venture into town to get a few groceries.   Mark had to work a looooong work weekend but he was on the road to recovery.  I grabbed a few groceries and went home.  I knew I still didn’t feel right and sure enough I had developed a sinus infection. Finally after starting a round of antibiotics yesterday I am feeling much better.

So lots of days off.  How nice was that you might think.  It was, except that I didn’t feel like doing anything.  I laid on the couch and in my bed and read (that was nice) and knit that was nice and cuddled with my fur babies (that was really nice) and ate myself into oblivion (not so nice) and read a lot of books and watched a lot of TV (really nice) and wallowed in being sick.  Sometimes I think you may need those sick days to just give yourself the time you need to recuperate and regenerate from everything that life is throwing at you. I guess that is where I am in this scenario called life.  I have enjoyed it but I AM READY TO GET OUT!!!!!  I HAVE CABIN FEVER!!!!  I actually did go to work today. I am starting to feel normal again.

7803BB4A-8D73-4FE9-8609-F48EEEDDAA45                      I Knitted this toboggan it really has more of a pink color than what
it looks like here.

I also started this scarf



With me being home for several days Kitty Kitty and Scruffy were right there with me trying to make me feel better and clamoring for a spot on my lap.



These are a couple of really good books I read.
Check them out.

ECBCE64C-6E69-4031-9220-6E1E038E972A           Do you love these conversation heart candies that appear near Valentine’s Day?  You either love them or you hate them.  You probably noticed you haven’t seen as many of them this year and there is a reason for that.  These hearts have been in production for more than a century before Necco, the company that made them, filed for bankruptcy last year.

The rights to produce the hearts was purchased by the Spangler Candy Co. in Ohio, which will return them to production after it receives permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  But this could take at least a year.  So only a very few were left to sell this year.

Some people find these disgusting, this includes my husband.  But he knows how very much I love them. I could eat them all year long.  Probably a good thing they are only around at Valentines.  So when my husband discovered that they were hard to find in the stores, even Walmart, he got on line and ordered me a two pound bag to munch on.  Yes it’s true folks you can get anything from Amazon.  I think that’s pretty darned nice of him.

I hope you are having a wonderful week and the sick bug stays away from you.

Love your day your way!!!


2 thoughts on “I Have Cabin Fever!!!!

  1. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been sick, Lisa. This flu bug has hit several of us this year. I have been very fortunate and dodged it myself. I’m glad y’all are feeling better. Have a wonderful week!
    And yes, I love the conversation hearts and I got some too. ❤️


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